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In the KV25 Materiality section of our Nippon Kayaku Group Medium-term Business Plan, KAYAKU Vision 2025, we are working on Work Style Reform as a company-wide material issue, and Maintaining and Expanding Employment and Developing Human Resources as key sustainability issues. We recognize that people are an important driving force for corporate value improvement and creating a sustainable society.
In March 2023, we established our Human Resource Development Policy and Internal Environment Improvement Policy. The purpose of these policies is to reaffirm the Nippon Kayaku Group's philosophy with regard to people, which has been passed down for many years, and to encourage many excellent human resources from outside the Group to participate in our company.
Under this philosophy, we will work to create an organizational culture and work environment where employees with various values respect each other, work with enthusiasm, demonstrate their various abilities, and play active roles.
Senior Director
General Manager of Human Resources Division
Makoto Takeda
Under our corporate vision, the KAYAKU spirit, we aim to create environmental, social and economic value by engaging in sustainable management, create a sustainable environment and society, and increase our corporate value.
We have established the following human resource development policy to help realize the KAYAKU spirit.
To realize our human resource development policy, we have prepared various training programs such as grade/level-based group education, selective education, and e-learning, and are working to enhance human resource development.
We place an emphasis on ensuring diversity, fostering a comfortable and rewarding work culture and increasing employee engagement, so that employees can work with motivation and enthusiasm, while empathizing with the KAYAKU spirit and developing a relationship of mutual trust with senior management.
In terms of our personnel system, we have established a "position class" (job grade) system that enables appropriate assignment and treatment irrespective of age, gender, career background, educational background, nationality, etc., and a system based on roles and responsibilities that allows employees to voluntarily take on challenges in promotion to managerial positions.
In human resource development, we encourage the autonomous growth of each employee by supporting employees who want to grow and learn for themselves; and support the formation of diverse careers in line with the wishes of individual employees.
In accordance with the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children, Nippon Kayaku has formulated the following action plan and is pursuing a number of initiatives to develop an employment environment in which employees can balance work and childcare responsibilities, and foster a comfortable work environment, including for employees who are not raising children.
Details of the action plan have also been shared with the labor union and disclosed externally, as well as disseminated among all employees on the Company intranet.
Nippon Kayaku has formulated the following action plan to establish a comfortable workplace environment that allows employees to display their potential and achieve a balance between work, private life, raising children and other commitments.
April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2025 (three years)
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