Environmental Management

Policy and Basic Approach

The Nippon Kayaku Group’s environmental initiatives are aimed at contributing to global environmental conservation, and thus play a role in tackling the Key Sustainability Issues in the KAYAKU Vision 2025. They are also promoted in pursuit of targets published in our Responsible Care Policy, which are viewed as priority issues. Taken together, these initiatives constitute a companywide contribution to global environmental conservation. This involves observing both domestic and international laws and regulations related to the environment as well as any agreements we have signed, and, while picturing the environmental risks stemming from our business activities, showing consideration towards reducing environmental burdens, preventing pollution, saving energy and resources, the effects of climate change, and reducing waste.


Environmental Management System Certification Status

Our current efforts to retain our certification status for ISO14001, the internationally recognized environmental management standard, see us consider the environment during the development and manufacture of products and the provision of services. Having first gained ISO14001 Certification for Environmental Management Systems in 1998, we have now achieved certification for all seven of our domestic plants and seven overseas Group companies. We will continue, going forward, to explore new ISO14001 certification options for Group companies, including for those based overseas.


Scroll sideways for an overview of the table below.

Key sustainability issues Corresponding SDGs Action plans Indicators (KPI) FY2025 Targets Results FY2023
Initiative-related Topics
FY2022 FY2023
Reducing Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Reduction of Wastewater and Industrial Waste

Improving Efficiency of Water Resource Use
  • To achieve our FY2030 Environmental Targets by promoting energy-saving and global-warming response initiatives.
  • To extract issues and clarify our strategies in order to achieve carbon neutrality by FY2050.
Greenhouse gas emissions
(Scope 1+2)
(Target achieved in FY2030)
Under 70,598 tons (a reduction of over 46% on FY2019)

(Target achieved in FY2023)
Under 115,715 tons
108,301 tons 102,704 t-CO2
  • Promotion of MFCA and Solar Power Generation PPA Models sequentially introduced.
  • c. 24% reduction in industrial waste produced compared with FY2022.
  • Our development status situation for environmentally-conscious products and technologies is as reported below.
[Safety Systems Business]
 Development of a lighter cylinder-type inflator and green propellant MGG.
[Polatechno Business]
 Reductions in waste treatment energy and total waste produced stemming from improvements to production process and product design.
[Functional Materials Business]
 Pilot experiments performed on aircraft-oriented CFRP/GFRP thermosetting resin prototypes with development potential.
 Development of a high-temperature resistant, high-reliability thermosetting resin from biomass materials.
[Color Materials Business]
 Development of industrial inkjets (for coated paper and soft packaging).
 Expanded sales of non-phenol developer for thermal paper.
 Market debut and expanded sales for PLA (biodegradable) dye for fiber processing.
[Catalysts Business]
 Promoting joint-research of catalysts used to manufacture hydrogen.
 Materials informatics techniques used to develop catalysts which can contribute to lowering amounts of raw materials used and improved yields from target objects.
 Development of catalysts to help manufacture basic chemicals such as propylene from biomass materials.
[Pharmaceuticals Business]
 Environmentally-conscious wrapping initiatives started.
VOC emissions (Non-consolidated) Disclose results (Non-consolidated) 38.7 tons (Non-conslidated) 32.9 tons
COD emissions (Non-consolidated) Disclose results (Non-consolidated) 171.8 tons (Non-consolidated) 210.9 tons
Total waste output (Non-consolidated) Disclose results (Non-consolidated) 27,621 tons (Non-consolidated) 20,974 tons
Recycling rate (Non-consolidated) 80% or higher (Non-consolidated) 85.0% (Non-consolidated) 83.8%
Zero emission rate (Non-consolidated) 1% or less (Non-consolidated) 0.8% (Non-consolidated) 0.7%
Goal setting in line with SBT and consideration and implementation of specific measures Disclose progress Gained an A-rating on CDP (Climate Change)
Scope 3 Calculations: Implementing improvements to accuracy
Medium-term Environmental Targets revised to 1.5℃ scenario
Disclosure in line with TCFD recommendations Disclose progress Information disclosed Information disclosed
Develop products and technologies with consideration for environmental issues Disclose progress Published in Topics Published in Topics

Medium-term Environmental Targets and Results

FY2021 saw the Nippon Kayaku Group kick-start its environmental conservation activities afresh with the fixing of its new Medium-term Environmental Targets.
Our original 2℃ warming scenario Medium-term Environmental Targets saw us start out by widening compulsory participation to Group companies (consolidated) as we sought to shave at least 32.5% off FY2019 Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by FY2030 in the area of Holding Down Global Warming. However, with global environmental problems intensifying and moves towards carbon neutrality gaining momentum in recent years, we subsequently revised our standards to fit a 1.5℃ warming scenario, committing us to a 46% reduction in FY2019 Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2030 and an aim of carbon neutrality by FY2050. In relation to these matters, we decided to approve the proposals of the Task Force on Climate-related Disclosures (TCFD) in March 2022, and will continue to follow these proposals as we proactively disclose information on not only greenhouse gas emission status, but climate change risks and opportunities and initiatives related to the building of a Sound Material-Cycle Society.
In the area of Reducing Chemical Substance Emissions, we are yet to fix targets for emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), and have merely published the current data. VOC emissions are down on the previous financial year, but COD emissions are increasing due to transitions in items produced.
In the area of Reducing Waste, also, we are yet to fix target amounts for industrial waste produced and are merely reporting current figures. We are, however, working towards a fixed recycling rate target of at least 80% (excluding container re-use) and a zero-emission-rate target of less than 1%. As a result of continued waste sorting and reduction practices carried out at each of our plants and business sites, FY2023 saw an even lower volume of waste produced than FY2022. Furthermore, in terms of recycling and zero-emission rates, the continued promotion of moves towards recycling at each business site and sustained commitment to initiatives aimed at reducing environmental burdens have seen us not only meet, but also exceed, our original targets.

Medium-term Environmental Targets and Results

Trends in Medium-term Environmental Target Results

Area Covering Items Target Figures 2020*1 2021 2022 2023
Climate change prevention*2 Consolidated Greenhouse gases, Scope 1+2*3 emissions FY 2030 Targets
No more than 70.6 kilotons (Over 46% down on FY2019)
(Reference: FY2023 standards)
No more than 115.7 kilotons
118.2 kilotons
(10.0% reduction)
112.5 kilotons
(14.2% reduction)
108.3 kilotons
(17.5% reduction)
102.7 kilotons
(21.7% reduction)
Reductions in amounts of chemical compounds produced Non-Consolidated VOC*4 (Quantities of Volatile Organic Compounds produced) (Results Report) 33.3 tons 52.1 tons 38.7 tons 32.9 tons
COD*5 emissions (Results Report) 122.6 tons 124.2 tons 171.8 tons 210.9 tons
Industrial waste reduction Non-Consolidated Waste quantities (Results Report) 25,153 tons 28,424 tons 27,621 tons 20,974 tons
Recycling rates (excluding container reuse) No less than 80% 81.6% 82.3% 85.0% 83.8%
Rate of zero emissions*6 No more than 1% 1.6% 1.0% 0.8% 0.7%
  • *1Including our Joetsu Plant. Until FY2020, under our old Medium-term Environmental Targets, the Joetsu Plant was left out of Scope emissions.
  • *2Medium-term Environmental Target for FY2030: A reduction of at least 46% on FY2019 levels (from 131.2 kilotons to no more than 70.6 kilotons)
  • *3Scope 1: Greenhouse gas emissions directly produced by our company itself (through fuel combustion, manufacturing process emissions, etc.)
    Scope 2: Emissions our company indirectly produces through the use of electricity, heat and steam supplied by other companies
  • *4The total of VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) includes not only those that must be reported under government ordinances (the PRTR Law) but also those specified by the Japan Chemical Industry Association.
  • *5COD(Chemical Oxygen Demand): A leading water quality index based on chemical oxygen demand and the amounts of oxygen necessary for oxidizing materials in water.
  • *6Rates of zero emissions: Defined as the ratio of internal to external Nippon Kayaku waste disposed of at landfill sites.

Material Flow of Business Activities (FY2023)

Material Flow of Business Activities (FY2023)
  • Items listed below without additional notes represent combined domestic and overseas values.
  • *Nippon Kayaku alone

Amounts of Raw Materials Used

Scroll sideways for an overview of the table below.
Indicators Covering Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Principal raw materials non-consolidated tons 36,614 47,583 44,211 40,707
Auxiliary materials non-consolidated tons 16,581 18,529 17,026 12,512
Plastic packaging materials non-consolidated tons 194 266 389 180
Cardboard packaging materials non-consolidated tons 415 529 480 395
Other packaging materials non-consolidated tons 461 489 470 434
Total non-consolidated tons 54,266 67,396 62,576 54,227
  • *Products not included (goods stocked at plants)

Energy Input Amounts

Scroll sideways for an overview of the table below.
Indicators Covering Unit 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Amount of energy input (heat quantity equivalent) consolidated GJ - - - - 2,084,184
Renewable energy consolidated GJ - - - - 29,060
Non-renewable energy sources consolidated GJ - - - - 2,055,124
  • *When converting electricity amounts into heat amounts for fuel, heat and electricity consumed in domestic and overseas business activities, electricity purchased from electricity companies is converted at 1MWh to 8.64GJ, while renewable energy such as solar power is converted at 1MWh to 3.6GJ.


Use of LCAs (Life-Cycle Assessments)

We are also working to maintain and improve the environment, health and safety at every step of the product life cycle, from the research and development stage right the way through production, distribution, sale, recycling and disposal. We are trialing the design of a process which allows us to visualize the value of every Group product or service by assessing and analyzing environmental impacts and potential environmental contributions at every stage of the life cycle. Part of these activities involves promoting calculation of the carbon footprint (CFP) of every Nippon Kayaku product, which allows us to not only grasp its environmental impact but improve the accuracy of our LCA calculations for customer products. We are presently proceeding with such calculations for certain product lines, and are looking at how to systematize this process to enable emissions calculations to be made for every company product.

Disclosure of Figures for Legal Violations

We are currently working on preventing violations of environmental regulations and accidents, and are preparing a rapid response system to deal with such incidents. Across the Nippon Kayaku Group in FY2023, there were no accidents, legal violations or regulatory violations which impacted upon the environment, nor any accidents related to water quality or volume, or violations of any related rules. Furthermore, no punishments or fines were issued.

Scroll sideways for an overview of the table below.
Indicators Covering Unit 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of violations of environmental laws and regulations consolidated cases 0 0 0 0 0
Number of environmental accidents consolidated cases 0 0 0 0 0
Violations of laws and regulations; fines issued for enrivonmental accidents; punishment costs consolidated yen 0 0 0 0 0
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