Corporate Information

Charter of Conduct and Code of Conduct

The Nippon Kayaku Group believes that good compliance encompasses not only laws, regulations, and internal rules, but also corporate ethics. Nippon Kayaku established the Nippon Kayaku Action Charter and Nippon Kayaku Action Standards, which are the criteria for the former, as the guidelines that all of its employees should work in compliance with.

Nippon Kayaku Group Charter of Conduct

Business activities

  1. The Nippon Kayaku Group will provide products and services that satisfy customers through Communication with customers and the provision of appropriate information, giving due consideration to the safety and reliability of its products and services.
  2. In all its business activities, the Nippon Kayaku Group will comply with all relevant laws and regulations, including competition law, the spirit of these laws, and internal regulations, and will engage in fair, transparent, and free competition. We will also maintain sound relationships with the governing authorities in all regions.
  3. The Nippon Kayaku Group respects human rights in all its business activities, and will not discriminate or tolerate any inappropriately behavior for reasons based on gender, age, nationality, race, religion, or disability.
  4. The Nippon Kayaku Group will appropriately manage and utilize the company’s assets to improve the efficiency of its business activities and strive for continuous development.
  5. The Nippon Kayaku Group implements systematic crisis management in preparation for the actions of anti-social forces that threaten the lives of citizens and corporate activities, as well as for terrorism, cyber attacks, natural disasters, and other events.

Relationship with society

  1. The Nippon Kayaku Group respects the cultures, religions and traditions of each country and region, works in harmony with society, and contributes to the development of society as a good corporate citizen.
  2. The Nippon Kayaku Group will disclose information on its business activities to stakeholders in a timely and appropriate manner based on objective facts. We will also strive to increase corporate value through constructive dialogue with stakeholders.
  3. In order to contribute to a sustainable society and the environment, the Nippon Kayaku Group strives to conduct its business activities in harmony with the natural environment by constantly taking into account the impact on the global environment, not only complying with relevant laws and regulations, but also establishing its own voluntary standards.

Information handling

  1. The Nippon Kayaku Group will appropriately protect the information it possesses through its business activities and take all possible measures for information management. In addition, we recognize the value of information assets and respect the intellectual property rights of others.

Relationships between the company and individuals

  1. The Nippon Kayaku Group complies with labor-related laws and regulations, ensures a safe and comfortable working environment, and respects the basic human rights, diversity, character, and individuality of individuals.

Roles of top management and thorough adherence to this charter

  1. Those involved in the management of the Nippon Kayaku Group recognize that realizing the spirit of this charter is their own role and responsibility, and will thoroughly disseminate it to all employees. In addition, we will listen to the opinions of people inside and outside the group, establish effective systems within the group, and ensure thorough implementation of corporate ethics. In the event of a situation that contravenes the spirit of this charter, we will clarify both inside and outside the company our stance of solving the problem, investigate the cause, and work to prevent any recurrence.

Nippon Kayaku Group Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct for business activities

1. Safety and quality of products

We are all responsible for producing quality products and striving for continuous improvement to satisfy our customers needs and scientific data.

2. Provision of product information

We will provide accurate and proactive information to ensure that our customers and business partners are able to use and handle our products properly.

3. Fair, impartial transactions

We will conduct fair and impartial transactions with all our customers and business partners in accordance with the Competition Law and other relevant laws and regulations.

4. Prohibition of exchanging excessive gifts or entertainment

We will comply with all laws and regulations when exchanging gifts or entertainment in connection with transactions, and will be prudent in light of sound business practices and social conventions. Build sound relationships with the government and prevent corrupt practices such as bribery.

5. Respect for human rights

We respect internationally recognized human rights and recognize and respect diversity, including gender, age, nationality, race, religion, disability, ethnicity, skin coloring, culture, philosophy, beliefs, political views, and gender orientation.

6. Prohibition of conflicts of interest

We will not pursue personal interests and will not engage in activities that conflict with the interests of the Company by utilizing our position in the job or information acquired in the course of our business.

7. Appropriate protection and effective utilization of corporate assets

We will strive to enhance our corporate value by appropriately protecting and effectively utilizing our corporate assets, including intellectual property.

8. Proactive efforts to improve operations

We are strongly responsible for our operations, constantly strive for self-improvement and self-charge, and business to improve our operations.

9. Exclusion of anti-social forces

In the event that an anti-social force requests the provision of profits, we will take a firm stance in cooperation with relevant organizations and will not respond to unfair demands.

10. Thorough crisis response

We are committed to safe operations. In the event of an accident, disaster, or terrorist attack, or a cyber attack, we will promptly provide and report information to relevant parties in accordance with established rules and take necessary measures in accordance with the functioning of the response organization.

Code of Conduct for relationship with society

11. Respect for cultures, religions, traditions, etc. in each country and region

We will comply with the relevant laws and regulations of each country and region in our business activities, and respect international norms, culture, religions, traditions, etc.

12. Good corporate citizenship

We participate in and support volunteer and social welfare activities and make social contributions through our business activities.

13. Interaction with local communities

As a member of local communities, we will actively participate in local organizations and events and deepen exchanges with local people.

14. Timely and appropriate information disclosure

We actively disclose corporate information, such as management policies, financial and non-financial data, to the stakeholders* in accordance with internal procedures.

15. Coexistence with the environment

In order to maintain a prosperous and healthy society in harmony with the natural environment, we will assess the impact on the environment, actively implement measures against climate change, including resource and energy conservation, and strive for technological development.

16. Environmental protection initiatives

We will comply with all relevant laws, regulations, agreements, and internal regulations at all stages of our business operations in order to protect the environment.

Code of Conduct for information handling

17. Protection of corporate information

We will appropriately manage our tangible and intangible assets and protect them based on Charter of Conduct. We will not disclose or use information beyond the scope required for business operations.

18. Protecting personal information

Recognizing the importance of personal information, we will acquire, use, and manage personal information handled by the Company in an appropriate manner, complying with laws and regulations related to personal information as well as in-house regulations.

19. Appropriate use of information systems

We will properly and effectively use corporate information equipment such as personal computers, information systems, and network systems, and will not use them for improper purposes.

20. Prohibition of insider trading

We will not use undisclosed information from the Nippon Kayaku Group or other companies to trade securities such as stocks.

21. Respect for the rights of others

We will respect the intellectual property rights of others. In addition, information obtained through improper means will not be used.

Code of Conduct for relationships between the company and individuals

22. Maintenance of working environment

We will comply with labor-related laws and regulations, labor safety and health laws, labor agreements, and internal regulations, and ensure a safe, clean, bright, and energetic working environment. We will also promote a work-life balance by creating an environment where employees can perform their duties creatively and efficiently.

23. Prohibition of harassment

We will not engage in activities that hinder the realization of a healthy working environment, such as sexual harassment and power harassment.

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