Message from the President

Mission in KAYAKU Vision 2025 (KV25 ) The Nippon Kayaku Group aims to be a company with a strong presence that can consistently provide happiness and delight to the environment, society and all stakeholders under the KAYAKU spirit.

The Nippon Kayaku Group's Corporate Vision is embodied by the KAYAKU spirit: "continuously providing society with the best products through ceaseless progress and the combined forces of our consciences." We have inherited this KAYAKU spirit since the time of our founding and consistently engaged in our business activities with the attitude that we must do useful work for the world and its people. The KAYAKU spirit is the beliefs supporting the strengths of our group. While our individual jobs and workplaces may differ, the KAYAKU spirit serves as the fundamental basis for the judgments and actions of all Group officers and employees.

Based on the KAYAKU spirit, we have defined our mission for the Nippon Kayaku Group as a company with a strong presence that can consistently provide happiness and delight to the environment, society and all stakeholders under the KAYAKU spirit. As a scenario roadmap for achieving this vision, we have formulated the Medium-term Business Plan KAYAKU Vision 2025 (KV25), which began in April 2022.
The key focus of KV25 is a set of five key company-wide material issues (Creation of New Business and Products, Mitigation of Climate Change, DX, Business Process Re-engineering, and Work Style Reform), which are the subject of efforts by the Materiality Cross-Functional Team (M-CFT). In 2021, we created a "visible room of the Vision" to enable us to grasp changes in social conditions and quickly reflect them in our strategies at any time. We set up a place (room) where the persons in charge of each issue can gather and review progress, and discuss and implement measures as and when needed. We recognize that fostering an organizational culture of mutual inspiration, proposal, and cooperation to achieve goals and make constant improvements is essential for the implementation of KV25, and we form a habit of A3 (KAIZEN)* mind in our entire organization to activate "Ceaseless Progress".
On June 28, 2023, we reorganized our corporate organization from a business group system to a business unit system, and shifted from a divisional control system to a "Officer-in-Charge" system. By eliminating business groups and turning them into business units, we aim to strengthen the responsibility and authority of each group head for business operations and enable flat and speedy decision making.

In September 2021, we joined the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). We will incorporate the UNGC's 10 principles—covering the themes of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption—into our day-to-day operations and strategies and contribute to the creation of a sustainable society by achieving the goals set forth under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through our business activities.

Going forward, we will continue to enhance our corporate governance and work to ensure thorough compliance, strengthen our management base, and increase our corporate value while practicing sustainable management with a high sense of ethics. I ask for the continued support of all our stakeholders moving forward.

July 2023
Nippon Kayaku Co., Ltd.
President and Representative Director

Atsuhiro Wakumoto
  • *A3 (KAIZEN): Awareness reform activities—based on awareness of reducing costs—designed to develop individual and organizational strengths (skills and expertise) and autonomy, to make the Nippon Kayaku Group an energetic company.
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