11-Year Summary of Consolidated Financial Data

You can view key financial data such as net sales, operating income and net sales by segment for the past 11 years. For the financial information in detail, please refer to the Annual Securities Report.

Consolidated 11-Year Summary Download

Nippon Kayaku Co., Ltd. and Consolidated Subsidiaries

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Fiscal year ended 2023.3 2022.3 2021.3 2020.3 2019.3 2018.3
Results for the year
(millions of yen)
Net sales ¥198,380 ¥184,805 ¥173,381 ¥175,123 ¥172,639 ¥167,888
Cost of sales 131,627 120,837 117,067 117,059 109,461 102,475
Selling, general and administrative expenses 45,247 42,916 41,124 40,587 43,238 42,791
Operating income 21,505 21,050 15,194 17,485 19,939 22,615
Profit before income taxes 20,972 23,700 17,523 18,141 21,283 22,061
Profit attributable to owners of parent 14,984 17,181 12,574 12,815 14,851 15,488
Amounts per share (yen)
Profit attributable to owners of parent ¥89.36 ¥101.70 ¥73.62 ¥74.25 ¥85.77 ¥89.45
Cash dividend applicable to the year  45.00 40.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00
Net assets 1,532.35 1,459.06 1,332.06 1,225.71 1,247.75 1,203.23
Year-end financial position (millions of yen)
Current assets ¥186,037 ¥175,843 ¥156,852 ¥153,102 ¥161,958 ¥157,814
Current liabilities 39,049 45,760 37,491 38,800 41,412 42,746
Working capital 146,988 130,083 119,361 114,302 120,546 115,068
Property, plant and equipment 89,259 89,060 88,980 85,960 87,246 83,228
Total assets 322,858 315,459 294,535 278,496 293,571 285,600
Net assets 255,027 246,425 228,273 210,019 229,043 220,619
Year-end statistics
Number of shares issued (thousands) 170,503 170,503 177,503 177,503 182,503 182,503
Dividend payout ratio (%) 50.4 39.3 40.7 40.4 35.0 33.6
Number of round-lot shareholders 16,684 13,051 13,748 12,090 12,437 13,048
Number of employees 5,782 5,703 5,664 5,847 5,814 5,684
Financial ratios
Current ratio (times) 4.8 3.8 4.2 3.9 3.9 3.7
Equity ratio (%) 78.7 77.8 77.2 75.2 73.6 72.9
ROE (%) 6.0 7.3 5.8 6.0 7.0 7.7
ROA (%) 4.7 5.6 4.4 4.5 5.1 5.5
Sales by business segment (millions of yen)
Functional chemicals business ¥81,696 ¥77,152 ¥72,465 ¥71,540 ¥69,688 ¥67,664
 Functional materials 32,301 31,068 23,759 21,073 20,217 19,794
 Color materials 21,900 22,402 22,323 26,118 22,168 21,023
 Digital printing materials - - - - - -
 Color chemicals - - - - - -
 Catalysts 9,844 5,983 10,886 6,759 6,406 5,650
 Polatechno Division 17,648 17,696 15,495 - - -
 Polatechno Group - - - 17,589 20,896 21,196
 Electronic materials - - - - - -
Pharmaceuticals business 51,711 52,083 50,441 47,774 46,231 47,485
Safety systems business 54,220 46,112 41,997 46,990 47,218 43,937
Other businesses 10,751 9,456 8,477 8,817 9,500 8,800
 Agrochemicals 8,701 7,404 6,444 6,820 7,460 6,735
 Other 2,050 2,051 2,032 1,997 2,040 2,065
Fiscal year ended 2017.3 2016.3 2015.3 2014.3 2013.3
Results for the year
(millions of yen)
Net sales ¥159,117 ¥162,922 ¥161,861 ¥160,080 ¥128,104
Cost of sales 95,253 96,653 94,664 90,645 73,757
Selling, general and administrative expenses 44,213 44,570 44,890 45,332 37,278
Operating income 19,646 21,713 22,301 24,090 17,066
Profit before income taxes 22,397 25,148 23,972 25,388 19,816
Profit attributable to owners of parent 15,635 17,291 15,653 16,718 12,342
Amounts per share (yen)
Profit attributable to owners of parent ¥90.23 ¥96.09 ¥86.38 ¥92.25 ¥68.09
Cash dividend applicable to the year  30.00 30.00 25.00 25.00 20.00
Net assets 1,120.73 1,075.56 1,030.16 918.35 828.87
Year-end financial position (millions of yen)
Current assets ¥153,602 ¥151,170 ¥141,282 ¥141,843 ¥131,553
Current liabilities 41,321 39,740 38,915 41,271 39,857
Working capital 112,281 111,430 102,367 100,572 91,696
Property, plant and equipment 80,230 81,040 81,576 75,166 67,183
Total assets 272,791 272,679 265,126 247,592 224,705
Net assets 205,866 200,492 199,680 177,935 160,454
Year-end statistics
Number of shares issued (thousands) 182,503 182,503 182,503 182,503 182,503
Dividend payout ratio (%) 33.2 31.2 28.9 27.1 29.4
Number of round-lot shareholders 8,629 10,815 9,257 10,174 12,516
Number of employees 5,517 5,188 5,165 4,794 4,619
Financial ratios
Current ratio (times) 3.7 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.3
Equity ratio (%) 71.1 69.3 70.4 67.2 66.9
ROE (%) 8.2 9.2 8.9 10.6 8.7
ROA (%) 5.7 6.4 6.1 7.1 5.7
Sales by business segment (millions of yen)
Functional chemicals business ¥64,029 ¥68,788 ¥73,558 ¥73,610 ¥60,320
 Functional materials 18,914 18,398 18,559 18,378 10,929
 Color materials 20,057 21,229 - - -
 Digital printing materials - - 12,130 12,090 -
 Color chemicals - - 9,909 9,536 7,195
 Catalysts 4,188 4,990 7,525 8,710 6,303
 Polatechno Division - - - - -
 Polatechno Group 20,869 24,172 25,434 24,896 -
 Electronic materials - - - - 35,895
Pharmaceuticals business 47,648 50,200 48,932 50,898 41,115
Safety systems business 38,782 35,342 30,485 27,086 18,785
Other businesses 8,657 8,590 8,884 8,485 7,882
 Agrochemicals 6,572 6,519 6,696 6,245 5,771
 Other 2,084 2,072 2,188 2,240 2,110
  • * The closing date of accounts was changed from May 31 to March 31 beginning from the fiscal period ended March 31, 2013.
    As a result, the term of consolidation for the fiscal period ended March 31, 2013 consists of the 10 months from June 1, 2012 to March 31, 2013 for Nippon Kayaku and some of its subsidiaries.

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